Care Tips for Your Built-in Shaper Dress: Extend Its Life


Built-in shaper dresses are slowly becoming a staple for many. These are pieces that offer just the perfect blend of function and style. They can provide a sculpted and smooth silhouette without the need to wear additional shapewear.

This shapewear type can be an excellent choice for formal and casual occasions as well. You could easily achieve that movie-star looks if you wore this shapewear type to a movie premier, for example. You just have to pay attention like any other clothing piece, the built-in shaper dress combines delicate fabrics with shaping technology and requires special care to extend its lifespan and maintain its effectiveness.



Structure and fabrics

These dresses usually feature a combination of form-fitting and stretchy fabrics with more traditional materials. The shaping elements get integrated into the lining, and it will provide targeted compression in areas like the hips, waist, and thighs.

There’s a delicate balance between compression and comfort, making these garments unique. But they are also more susceptible to more damage if you don’t care for them the proper way. Knowing and understanding the structure of your dress will help you make decisions about how to clean and store it.



Following the care label instructions

This is for sure one of the first tips you should consider to take care of your built-in shaper dress. The label provides crucial information about how you dry, store, and wash it. The manufacturers tailor their guidelines to the specific materials and construction of your garment. You’ll maintain the integrity of the piece by following them.

Some should be hand-washed in cold water; others can be machine-washable but on gentle cycles. Follow the advice against certain practices to avoid damaging the fabric or the built-in shaping elements.



If possible, always hand wash

Hand washing tends to be the safest method to clean your favorite wholesale shapewear piece. This way, you are gentler with the fabric and are also avoiding potential wear and tear. To safely hand wash your shapewear, you should fill in a basin
with cold water. Then soak the piece and agitate it gently. After that rinse it thoroughly and press out the excess water.



Laundry bags for machine washing

Sometimes, hand washing is not an option, and if the care label allows machine washing, always make sure you are using a laundry bag to protect the piece. It will prevent the dress from tangling with other times in your washing machine. Which tends to tear and stretch the fabric. In this case, you should use a gentle cycle and a mild detergent. Don’t forget to wash it with similar items too.



Letting it air dry flat

Correctly drying your built-in shapewear is as important as washing it. The tumble dryer heat can be damaging to the elastic fabrics in the shapewear. It can also lead to loss of compression and stretched-out fit. To properly dry it, you have to lay it flat and avoid direct sunlight. Most importantly, don’t forget that patience is key as it usually takes longer than tumble drying.



Carefully store it

Properly storing your piece is essential to maintain its effectiveness and shape. Consider avoiding hanging it, especially for extended periods. Fold it carefully along the natural seams and store it flat on a shelf or drawer. If you need to store it for longer periods use tissue paper between the fold. This prevents creasing and the fabric from rubbing against itself, which causes pilling.

And don’t forget to keep it away from humidity and heat. Store it in a cool and dry place, and of course, away from heat sources or direct sunlight. High temperatures and moisture can degrade the elastic fabrics or can lead to unpleasant odors.



Rotate your pieces and handle them with care

If you own multiple pieces, rotating them will help expand the lifespan. If you wear one piece frequently can make it wear out quicker, especially in areas with high stress. When you rotate them, each piece will have time to recover its shape and elasticity. Remember they also need careful handling. Avoid tugging or pulling the fabric.

CARIFILMS, Website Database Film Terlengkap Berbahasa Indonesia

Ada satu website baru bernama Carifilms yang baru aja dibuat akhir tahun 2019 dan langsung dapat banyak perhatian! Kalau kamu belum pernah dengar soal website ini, lebih baik langsung cek! Website ini adalah website movie database terbesar dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang film dan serialnya di-update setiap hari.
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Tentu saja kamu bisa menyarankan buat ngecek film di IMDB, RottenTomatoes, atau website lainnya. Tapi tapi, website-website itu gak ada versi Bahasa Indonesianya. Masih ada lebih dari 100 juta orang Indonesia yang tidak berbahasa Inggris. Dan sekalipun kamu bisa Bahasa Inggris, aku yakin kalau lagi capek dan pengen nonton pasti enaknya baca-baca info pake Bahasa Indonesia aja kaan.
Terlebih lagi, website-website tersebut masih kurang memperhatikan film-film Indonesia atau Asia pada umumnya. Misalnya aja film “Dua Garis Biru”, ini adalah salah satu film Indo paling populer tahun 2019. Jutaan orang nonton film ini, ya setidaknya pasti pernah ngedenger soal film ini. Coba cek di IMDB, info dua aktor utamanya aja, Zara JKT48 sama Angga Yunanda ngga ada. Trailer filmnya juga ngga ada.

Salah satu misi dari Carifilms ini adalah agar orang lebih memperhatikan info film dan aktor-aktor lokal, biar gak kalah sama yang internasional. Kadang-kadang emang susah cari info aktor atau aktris lokal walau mereka sebenarnya cukup terkenal. Contohnya adalah Izzi Isman, dia merupakan salah satu aktris film “Modus Anomali” yang namanya sempat viral karena kedekatannya dengan member EXO. Bahkan nyari info tanggal lahirnya aja susah. Namun kami ngga nyerah gitu aja, beberapa waktu lalu Carifilms berhasil mewawancarai Izzi Isman dan kami bertanya banyak hal termasuk film rekomendasi dari dia. Hasil dari wawancara ini pun bisa kalian cek di bagian artikel.

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